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Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Russian Tanks Rolling into Town

You might think the war in Ukraine is a war for freedom and independence and motherhood and apple pie. I don't. You might not enjoy reading this story on Alt-Market.US. I did.

Russia Is About To Overrun Ukraine’s Defenses – Why Are There No Peace Negotiations?

Which inspired me to comment:

There are two reasons for this war: Number one is votes: Most of the funding the US Congress has approved for Ukraine is going to the US defense industry. It’s not to help Ukraine, it’s to ensure that defense industry employees will continue to vote for these Congressmen who approved this funding. The other is greed: a fraction of the money approved is going to find it’s way back into the pockets of the Congressmen who approved these spending bills, either through kickbacks, bribes or special stock dealings. One percent of a billion dollars is still ten million bucks which can buy a nice vacation house. All the noise about the big, bad Russians is just propaganda. The US Congress and administration is full of psychopaths. They don’t care how many people get killed as long as their wallets get fat.


  1. However, no matter how the US government and the industrial-military complex operate, as it always has, that has no bearing on the Ukraine being invaded by Russia. We promised to defend the Ukraine in return for them giving up their nuclear weapons when they had the third largest nuke stockpile in the world. They did, we must.

    We are being kicked out of an extremely important base in Niger because we said we would defend them and they mentioned our performance in the Ukraine and Israel/Gaza. The Russian troops have already moved into the Niger capital.
    This playing politics here is giving away the world and like your Mother said, "You'll be sorry".
