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Sunday, June 23, 2024


Missing Bolt

IAman's motorcycle has been getting some hard use.


  1. And of the bolts that remain at least one is a jury rig plus the sprocket is cracked. Indications of a modified motor mated to the stock drive train. When you increase your available torque, you need to increase your torque capacity to match. This concept holds true for many things, current draw, roof loads, soil bearing, shirt size, wise ass comments...

  2. It's a stock bike with a stock motor. It is Chinese, so maybe not made of the toughest stuff. I suspect the bolts just worked loose under the strain. I did not notice the crack till you mentioned it. A new sprocket and some Loctite on the bolts might fix it up, at least for a bit.

  3. Four matching bolts would be a plus especially if they were the right bolt from the bikes maker. If that's not practical then matching grade 8 bolts, not corner store crap.
