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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Pérdida Tráiler (Netflix) 2020

Perdida : Serie Trailer l Netflix

Pérdida (2020), also known as Stolen Away and not be confused wtih Pérdida (2018) a completely different show.

Insane Spanish soap opera. We have a full boat of characters: an adopted kid, a kidnapping, the whole panoply of the illegal drug business along with all the aspects of the criminal justice system. The show is set in two cities on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean: Valencia, Spain and Bogota, Colombia.

Primary characters:
  • Mom & Dad
  • Daughter Soledad
  • A pair of Spanish cops, male and female
  • A female Coiombian lawyer, her family and the judges she's screwing
  • the kidnapper
  • A pair of rival drug kingpins 
  • Famous soap opera actress who is working in a feature film who is another mother to Soledad. Wait, what? Like I said, insane.
along with a vast array of henchmen and prison inmates.

According to rumor the prison La Brecha in the show is modeled on the real La Modelo prison.

We watched the whole thing and it was great. No false steps, the actors played their roles well. There were some things that wouldn't make sense to any right thinking person, but when people are dealing with strong emotions they don't always do what they ought. I call it a soap opera because in every episode there were a couple of scenes of people being sweet to each other. Fortunately they kept them short, a little syrup goes a long way. Somebody ought to do a body count, I'm guessing there might have been as many as a hundred over the eleven episodes, maybe less than half that, but there were a bunch. Some were even important characters. Episode ten was so over the top that I howled with laughter.

Update a week later replaced missing video. This one doesn't have subtitles, but what we're looking for is atmosphere and attitude, and this teaser does that fine.

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