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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Age of Majority

He didn’t stutter once.

Still trying to figure out who this guy is. I posted about this earlier:

Seems that Ukraine has lowered the age for drafting men into the military has been lowered from 27 to 25. When we were fighting in Vietnam the draft age was 18. I haven't heard anyone explain this discrepancy, and I have no explanation myself. I just find it very odd.
Anyway, got me to wondering about why we use the age of 21 to mark when a person becomes an adult. Didn't find much, but I did find a couple of things.

Why 21?: A brief look into the history of the Minimum Legal Drinking Age (MLDA) - talking about the 19th and 20th century in the USA and Protestant religion.

The origin of the 21st birthday actually came from a boy being groomed for knighthood. In medieval times, there were 3 stages to becoming a knight, all of which were 7 years apart;

    • 7 years old – The boy’s training begins as he becomes a page. Essentially a Knight’s servant, the boy would learn what was required to become a Knight while acting as a messenger and performing other basic servant duties.
    • 14 years old – The boy would become a Squire. The Squire’s primary duties would be as an armour and shield carrier, caretaker of the weapons and armour, and tasks like saddling the Knight’s horse. This was also the first time that the boy would be taken into battle with the Knight. Often acting as a flagbearer, the Squire would be given a chance to prove himself in battle. A Squire’s role would also involve ensuring the Knight had an honourable burial should he be felled in one of these battles.
    • 21 years old – Providing the boy succeeding in his two previous posts, he was officially dubbed a Knight at the age of 21. The Knight was a form of lower nobility and a trusted agent of a Monarch and a skilled fighter bound by a code of chivalric conduct. 

Lessons From The Drinking Age Experiment
For 600 years of English common law and throughout most of U.S. legal history, the age of 21 was regarded as the age of full adult status. Until 1971 the legal minimum voting age was 21 and many states maintained age 21 as their legal drinking age. It was not until the Vietnam War with the unpopular, forcible draft of disenfranchised 18-year-olds, that the age to vote in the U.S. was shifted downward to 18 by the 26th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Update - dude in the video is Jesse 'The Body' Ventura, former professional wrestler and governor of Minnesota. Thanks to ColdSoldier.



  1. If you’re wondering who the guy in the video is that is Jessie Ventura

  2. FYI the age of consent in the Vatican is 12 . Why?

  3. There is more between the gleam-in-your-daddy's-eye, and over-the-hill, than just child and adult.
