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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Diamond Mines of Mercury


The Silicon Graybeard has a post up about the possibility of a ten mile thick layer of diamond beneath the planet Mercury's crust. Suppose there was such a thing, and also suppose we could send a rocket there that could also return to Earth. The way SpaceX is going I expect we could build such a rocket within twenty years or so, assuming we really wanted to. What form would this layer of diamond take? Would it be a ten mile thick layer of gravel made of diamond gemstones? Or would it be like one solid layer like the shell around an egg? What could you do with a mile long piece of diamond? Might be time to go back and Neil Stephenson's The Diamond Age.


  1. I'm sure we have top men on the project. Top. Men.

    But anyone with the kahunas, the money, the rocket, the fuel and the ability of a return trip could feasibly go there and mine a bunch of diamonds and bring them back and get rich off them until They bring back so many of them that the price finally goes way down. Someone would be a Quadrillionaire. Mucks?

  2. Diamonds interlaced with Uranium? U C ?

  3. The retrieval would become a national priority, all out effort funded with your taxes.
    When successfully returned to Earth 1% of the diamonds would go to testing labs at universities which would report to congress the specs, grading, and any possible hazards.
    The other 99% would somehow go into the possession of businesses to validate the free enterprise for profit system. Makes my heart swell with pride.
