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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Sidewalk Dream

I'm walking up the street on the sidewalk. The street slopes slightly downhill towards the river. I am on the left side because there is no sidewalk on the right side. I want to cross to the right side of the street as I am facing uphill. I get to a traffic light but it's a complicated intersection and the lights don't give you enough time to cross the street. People in cars going downhill sometimes unintentionally get in the left lane but they want to go straight so they switch lanes in the middle of the intersection which is unnerving if you're in the middle of the crosswalk.

While this dream was going on, I was sure I knew where this street was. I was so sure of this that when I woke up I pulled up Google Maps to see if I could locate any such place in Portland, because I was likewise sure it was in Portland. But the more I looked and the more I thought about it I couldn't think of any such place.

Kind of strange that I had three vivid dreams within 24 hours. I was feeling kind of puny the last couple of days so that may have something to do with it. But I wasn't running a fever, least ways not enough to notice. I don't know what it was, but it seems to happen periodically.

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