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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Broken Glass

Broken Glass

Picked this glass up out the cupboard and I heard this funny 'tink' sound. Looked at it and noticed two cracks that start and the rim and run down the sides about two inches.There is one front and center in this picture. I hope you can see the little jag to the right about a quarter of an inch below the top of the beer in this photo. The jag is only about an eigth of an inch long and marks the end of the crack. So far.

Broken Glass Closeup

I went ahead and poured my beer into the glass because I wanted to see if it was going to leak. I fully expected it to do so, but it didn't. I'm probably going to tempt fate and use it again for my second beer but after that it's going in the trash. It's fine to play with broken glass when you know you're doing (What? You're drunk, throw that glass away now.) but I suspect it won't survive another visit to the dishwasher and there's no sense risking it, not for a $2 glass anyway.

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