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Saturday, August 10, 2024

Christ the Redeemer

We just finished rewatching Kleo. We pulled up Netflix the other night looking for something new to watch and we see that there is a new season of Kleo available. We remember watching it before, but not well enough to pick up where we left off, so we decided to just start watching it again from the beginning and see what happens. Maybe our memories will be jostled and we'll say 'oh yeah, I remember this'. We did remember bits and pieces of it, but not enough to get bored so and we ended up rewatching the whole thing. It's pretty great, it's a quirky little show, full of oddball characters, curious settings and bright colors.

Kleo is an East German assassin employed off-the-books by the Stasi, the East German Secret Police. She is sent to West Berlin through a tunnel to kill a man in a nightclub. She returns to East Berlin and shortly thereafter is asserted, tried, convicted and sentenced to life in prison on vague charges of treason.

At the time of her arrest she is pregnant. On arrival in the prison she gets in a fight with a girl gang and gets the stuffing kicked out of her and she loses the baby. Not only does she lose the baby her organs are so damaged that she will not be able to ever have a child. Now she has another reason to seek revenge.

Just recently I realized that most women's greatest desire is to have children. This might be because this desire is similar to breathing - it's such a fundamental part of us that we don't even think about it. I know that when I was younger I didn't want to have kids. It wasn't until I was in my early 30's that this changed.

But back to our story. Kleo is in prison, it's 1989, the Berlin Wall comes down, all political prisoners are released, Kleo among them and she wants some wants to know why she was sent to prison when, as far as she knew, she was just doing her job. So she goes looking for answers and at every step of the way the next person she encounters would rather kill her than tell her why, but she being an assassin, she kills them instead. 

Eventually she learns that the whole thing is about a secret pact East Germany made with President Ronald Reagan that would keep the East German government propped up with loads of cash. What? Why you might ask? Because the plot requires a secret that a whole bunch of people are willing to die to protect, that's why. It doesn't make any sense to me, but who knows? There has always been all kinds of skullduggery going on, so yeah, sure, why not? Whatever, we'll pretend Reagan made a secret pact with Erich Honecker. Was it really secret? Britannica has this to say:

"Under Honecker’s rule, East Germany was one of the more repressive but also one of the most prosperous of the Soviet-bloc countries of eastern Europe. He allowed the growth of some trade and travel ties with West Germany in return for West German financial aid."

Eventually we find that the secret is in documents contained in a red suitcase, so for the rest of the show we are chasing this red suitcase."

Note with coordinates

A few seconds before the end of episode 7, Margot Honecker (aka The Purple Witch) hands the above slip of paper to Ramona, another secret Stasi assassin, who just happens to be nine months pregnant.

Hiding Place for the Red Suitcase
Episode 8, 27 minute mark

Episode 8 has Kleo and her sidekick Sven finding the suitcase in the base of the above statue. I asked Google Lens to identify it and while it found a bunch of very similar statues, it did not find an exact match.

Christ the Redeemer

There is a similar statue in a similar location on the Chile-Argentine border, but you can see that while there are similarities, it is not the same one. Which makes me wonder - where did they find the statue for the show?

Central Chile, South America
Blue marker is from coordinates on the note
Red marker is the location of the statue

Anyway, because I gotta be me, I plotted the locations of the coordinates from the note and the actual statue on Google Maps.  The coordinates that the Purple Witch gave to Ramona point to the middle of the Atacama desert. No statue there.

1 comment:

  1. It's entertainment, it's not true, why would underpaid, overworked, writers bother with anything more than random coordinates for a prop. Oh, that's right, it's a prop. The writers probably left the coordinates the same prop dude that dug up the picture of the statue, to scribble because it's only a story, fiction, entertainment... not history.
