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Monday, August 19, 2024

Funny Words

Are Trad Catholics a Protestant Sect?

JMSmith has a post up today about Martin Luther versus Traditional Catholics. I am nominally a Lutheran, and I have certain problems with the Catholic Church, but I often enjoy what JMSmith writes. Some of his stuff is wonderful and some of it is inpenetrable. Today's post is borderline, bunch of words I didn't know.

Scala Santa to open for limited time with the original marble stairs Jesus walked
Pilate’s Staircase (also known as the Scala Sancta). Video is five years old.

Funny words:

  • Greater Catechism - catechism is a summary of the principles of Christian religion in the form of questions and answers, used for the instruction of Christians. Evidently there is a bigger one (the Greater Catechism) and a smaller one.
  • Novus Ordo -  short for Novus Ordo Missae, which means the "new order of the Mass".
  • propitiatory - an action intended to please someone and make them feel calm, or to reconcile or appease.
  • sedeprivationist - Sedeprivationism is a doctrinal position within Traditionalist Catholicism which holds that the current occupant of the Holy See is a duly-elected pope, but lacks the authority and ability to teach or to govern unless he recants the changes brought by the Second Vatican Council.
  • sedevacantist - Sedevacantism is a traditionalist Catholic movement which holds that since the death of Pius XII the occupiers of the Holy See are not valid popes due to their espousal of one or more heresies and that, for lack of a valid pope, the See of Rome is vacant.
  • simony - the act of buying or selling spiritual things, church offices, or roles that are closely connected to the spiritual. The term comes from Simon Magus, who, according to the Acts of the Apostles, tried to buy the power to give the Holy Spirit to others from Jesus's disciples.
  • sola fides - a Latin phrase that means "faith alone".

More funny words that I think I know the meaning of, but mostly I'm too lazy to look them up.

  • apocalyptic
  • consecrate
  • epiphany
  • epiphenomenal
  • facetiously 
  • liturgy
  • paraphrase
  • perfunctory
  • piously
  • prelates
  • schism
  • secession

Update next day - replaced video. Original wouldn't play here.

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