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Thursday, September 5, 2024


Hamas is a a terrorist organization funded by Iran. Terrorists deserve nothing less than death. A strong society can withstand small scale terrorist attacks, but the October 7, 2023 massacre was horrific and deserves a horrific response.

Some people seem to think that only a fraction of the people in Gaza belong to Hamas, that is, most of the people in Gaza are not terrorists. Numerous idiots have been calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. What Israel needs to do is mount a full scale war on Hamas (if they haven't already), but call it a war of liberation for the Palestinians. In other words, they need better PR (Public Relations). Wipe out Hamas, annex Gaza and make it part of Israel. To the victor go the spoils. Just hope that the spoils are not rotten.

Vlad the Impaler

There has also been some whining about how captured terrorists are treated. What Israel should do with captured terrorists is impale them on ten foot tall spikes. All these mideast Jihadists are uncivilized savages. They are behaving like they are living in the 15th century, so we should be treating them as we would have in the 15th century.

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