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Friday, September 20, 2024

The Penguin

The Penguin | Official Trailer | Max

New series just started. Next episode comes out in, I dunno, two weeks maybe. Anyway, it's pretty good. The makeup department's transformation of Colin Ferrill makes him unrecognizable. If they hadn't told me who it was I wouldn't have recognized him. Might be why they have him introducing this trailer.

You watch The Godfather and you might be led to believe that gangsters are really just honest, hard working guys trying to catch the American Dream. They get a little violent sometimes, but sometimes a little violence is called for. Okay, sometimes there is a lot of violence, but usually there is a reason.

This show is full of sleazeballs who would cheat their own mother. Well, all except for Oswald, he loves his mom. And he takes this black kid under his wing. Still periodically threatens to gut him like a fish if he fucks up, but he hasn't done it yet. So maybe he really is human, or maybe they are just showing us his weak points. All in all a pretty great show.

  • Sofia Falcone / The Hangman: Carmine's daughter and a psychopathic serial killer who is a former inmate of Arkham Asylum. - This one promises to be a big problem.
  • Francis Cobb: Oz's mother who suffers from early-onset dementia.
  • Salvatore Maroni: A mob boss and drug trafficker whose operation ended following a historic drug bust, in which Carmine was the informant.
  • Eve Karlo: A prostitute and Oz's mistress. - Defromed and ugly as the Penguin is, he still has a girlfriend.
  • Alberto Falcone: Carmine's son and Sofia's younger brother, who struggles with drug and alcohol addiction. - Oswald has already dealt with him in the first episode.
  • Carmine - the recently deceased head of the Falcone crime family.

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