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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Vikings: Valhalla Season 3 Netflix

Vikings: Valhalla | Season 3 Official Trailer | Netflix

Great stuff. Season 2 saw Leif and Harald going south across the Rus to Constantinople. Now they have been in the employ of the Emperor for seven years.

Season 3 starts off with the siege of Syracuse by the Byzantine Emperor:

Maniakes was a Greek general of the Byzantine Empire . . . . His greatest achievement was the partial reconquest of Sicily from the Arabs beginning in 1038. He was aided by the Varangian Guard, then led by Harald Hardrada, who later became King of Norway.

The Byzantines prevail thanks to the explosives concocted from Sulfur by Leif Ericson. They dig tunnels deep beneath the walls and in a scheme that would make Rube Goldberg proud, use the explosives to bring down a section of the wall. This allows the Emperor's soldiers to storm the city. The central castle holds out, but the Emir in charge calls for single combat to decide his fate. Leif's fellow Viking, Harald Haraldson has become one of the Byzantine generals and gets picked to fight the Emir.

So we have numerous historical characters, plenty of action, intrigue and people murdering their fellow man in all kinds of horrific ways. Much of the plot involves people scheming to get themselves or their children on the throne of one country or another.

Vikings: Valhalla

Wikipedia season 3 episode summaries.

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