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Sunday, January 8, 2012

If I Were King

If I were the King of the United States of America, I would:
  • Stop supporting the military-industrial welfare complex.
  • Decommission and scrap all of our nuclear weapons.
  • Cancel all the big expensive weapons projects like the stealth fighters and bombers.
  • Eliminate income taxes and all other existing taxes and replace them with a resource extraction tax.
  • Replace our current public school system with a voucher program.
  • Cancel all of our current foreign aid projects and replace them with educational aid.
  • Return the great plains to the buffalo and the Indians.
  • Convert all food production to organic.
  • Ban genetically modified crops and animals.
  • Ban raising food animals in constraining cages.
  • Do what we can to prevent the extinction of large animals the world over.
  • Cancel all commercial fishing until all sea life populations recover to pre-industrialization levels.
  • Promote the construction of multi-level city centers to eliminate traffic congestion.
  • Promote the space program to get a permanent base built on the moon and a permanent space station as far out as the moon.
  • Institute two years of national service for everyone.
  • Implement a national health care program.
  • Legalize all drugs.
  • Bring back the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) to provide more jobs.
  • Do what we can to help Mexico become a prosperous country to reduce illegal immigration from Mexico to the U.S.A.
  • Increase the minimum wage to $10 per hour for everyone over the age of 21.
  • Start a government information service to attempt to provide a true picture of what is going on.
  • Money would be reported not just as a total amount, but also on a per capita basis.
  • Likewise, anything involving a number of people would not just report the total number of people, but would also give a percentage, or the number affected per ten thousand people.
  • All reports would be clear as to whether they were talking about the world, the whole country, or some smaller area.
  • Deaths would be reported on the basis of life expectancy. The loss of the life of someone who is terminally ill does not carry the same weight as the loss of the life of a healthy person in the prime of life.
That is what I would do if I were King.

I originally posted this four years ago. Some of the items seem a little persnickety now, not that it makes much difference. I am not noticeably closer to being king now than I was four years ago.

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