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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Stupid Computer People

We have a ROKU box we use to watch movies from Netflix occasionally. Recently we signed up for HULUplus so we could watch Nikita. When we signed up, new firmware had to be installed on the ROKU box. It was bad program. It managed to play the show OK, but none of the controls worked. Last night, we wanted to watch another episode, and new firmware had to be installed again. This time it screwed up the box so bad I had to cycle the power.

Today I got an email with an embedded link. I forwarded it to a friend, but when they got it the link had been converted to text. I go looking at Gmail (Google E-mail) help for some kind explanation. I don't find any, but I find a discussion on the forum where a whole bunch of people have run into the same problem. That discussion is closed, so I posted a new question.

To me, both of these problems look like straight forward bugs in computer programs. Is it really that difficult to produce reliable code? My experience says otherwise, but then maybe I'm a little more obsessive-compulsive than the average social-networked programmer, or maybe I just expect too much from mere mortals.

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