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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bone Crossed by Patricia Briggs

Bone Crossed by Patricia Briggs, a Mercy Thompson novel.  I've read a couple other books in this series and I've enjoyed them. They aren't my usual fare as they are about werewolves and vampires and all sorts of mythical creatures. I suppose it's the style of the writing, more like an action-adventure story than spooky, emotion laden dreck. I don't think this one was as good as some of the earlier ones. Seems like the author is making up too much stuff on the fly, but then again, we are dealing with unusual creatures, so maybe sorting out just what they can and can't do is part of the story. The downside is that luck plays a big part in bringing the story to a positive end. Of course the story is under the author's control, but there are no indications of how things might possibly work out okay. I mean the situation is grim, and if the author wanted to make us miserable, she could just as easily have things end badly. There's no real rhyme or reason why things work out the way they do.
    Still, the story moves right along and every chapter or so there is a paragraph that really tells you something about the people involved, and those little bits make it all worthwhile.

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