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Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Railroad Train of Justice

At lunch today the we were talking about Joe Paterno and and how much trouble he got in because of not reporting the sexual abuse he heard about at Penn State, and Barack mentioned he knew of a case where a female teacher had sex with a male student. Naturally we all gave him a bunch of grief along the lines of how lucky the kid was. Yeah, typical men, that's how we roll. Anyway, word somehow got out and the woman resigned her position, presumably to avoid prosecution. According to Barack, this constitutes sweeping it under the rug, which is an abuse of power, and dad-gum-it, something ought to be done. The question is what? The general consensus was that if you want something done about a crime, you call the police. However, be careful what you wish for, because once you get the police involved, well, they won't stop until they have steam-rollered all of the participants.

Mitt relates this tale. Husband and wife with a child are squabbling. Wife, being slightly wacko (Yeah, typical men, that's how we roll.), calls the cops and tells them some story that brings not just the cops, but the SWAT team to their door: machine guns, bullet proof vests, helmets, the whole nine yards. The cops show up and by-gum, they are going to arrest somebody. You led us to believe there was a real problem here, so we rounded up our squad, got our gear, got all pumped up, hustled our buns down here, and all we've got is a husband and wife yelling at each other? Goll-bless-America, somebody's goin' to jail! The husband has a black-eye, so they arrest the wife. There is a child in the house, so somehow this makes it a felony, so now the wife is facing felony assault charges. Justice will be served! Roasted, boiled, or pan fried, but somebody's gonna pay.

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