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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

American Meat

There was a story in the local paper today about this movie. Naturally I couldn't find anything about it on their website, but that's neither here nor there. Not everyone wants to be a computer jockey or a soldier or a french fry cook. The story of industrialization has been the story of people moving from the farm to the city. But now we are so productive we don't have enough for people to do, so maybe some people can start moving back to the farm. I imagine there quite a few folks that would be very happy to do so.

In related news, Peru has instituted a ten year ban on genetically engineered food. The chemists and engineers have been striving to make farmers more productive for the last 100 years. I think they have done enough. Yes, there are still people dying of hunger all over the world, but that is due to politics and war, not because we can't grow enough food.

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