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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Summit? Drum It!

The president-elect (and also, technically, president) of the United States meets for the first time today with the president-elect of Mexico, America's second-largest trading partner, third-largest oil supplier, and largest source of immigration, with whom we share a 2,000-mile border.  So of course the meeting is scheduled to last just 15 minutes.  We've chatted up bartenders for longer than that.  Just yesterday, in fact.

The meeting between the elected leaders of 430 million people will last two seconds longer than this John Bonham drum solo:

Led Zeppelin - Moby Dick (Live at The Royal Albert Hall 1970) [Official Video]
Led Zeppelin

Stolen entire from Burro Hall. I remember when drum solos were all the rage. Shoot, for all I know they may still be the rage, though I haven't heard one in like forever. I never got that much out of them. Drums seem to be compelling for some people. I recall they had to put the kibosh on weekly drumming event at one of the parks here. Too many drummers, drumming till all hours, the neighbors couldn't sleep.

Update March 2018 replaced missing video.
Update August 2022 replaced missing video.

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