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Thursday, June 27, 2024


I am walking across town and I come to a park or a college campus, lots of green grass not too many buildings. It looks like it occupies an entire city block. I am at one corner and I want to get to the opposite corner. I could walk down either of the streets but they do not appeal, lack of sidewalks maybe, so I decide to go cross country. This works for maybe fifty yards but then I am confronted with a large stream or a small river. It's about 20 feet wide and looks to be maybe five feet deep. Not crossing that without getting wet, or a bridge, but look! there is a building that crosses the stream. I go inside and it seems to be some kind of water park. Several people lounging around a wading pool that occupies the center. There are several objects in the water, so it might be possible to use them as stepping stones and get to the other side. The first couple of steps are easy, but now we have a guy sitting in a leather recliner watching TV. Yes, the TV is sitting on a table sitting in the water as well. I go to step on the top back of the chair and he tells me not to rock the chair. I say something to the effect that I'll only be a moment, step from the top to an arm of the chair and then off to a small table. Now I have to make big leap to a pile of colorful concrete and ceramic blocks. It's a big leap, but it's a dream, so I make it. I have crossed the water, but now I am confronted with the far wall. It is solid concrete up to about head high. On top of the concrete wall is floor that protrudes over the wall by a foot or two. Sitting on the edge of the floor is a steel framed wall filled with industrial safety glass. About eight to ten feet to my left are a couple of doors in this glass wall. They open into the water park and there is no handle on this side. I see a couple on the other side of doors. I gesture for them to open the door and they push it open a little bit, enough to see that it isn't locked. Now all I have to do is get there. There appears to be some grill work attached to the concrete wall underneath the door, but it only goes about half way up. It should be possible to get to the grill work, but then it's going to be a near impossible stretch to reach the door and it would depend on someone opening the door and then holding it open so it doesn't close on my fingers. Then I woke up.

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