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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Sheep Herding

I've probably been down this rathole before, but I think I've got a new twist on it. Or it maybe it's an old twist and I've just forgotten about it. 

Propaganda is used to herd the sheep through the right door when they go to the poles. Most people are sheep, they have actual lives they are living, they aren't wasting their time on idle keyboard wars about shit they have no control over. Okay, I try to break free daily but the lure of thrill of a new bit of knowledge keeps sucking me back in.

The Clash playing Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Influencing a vast group of people who have almost no real interest in what you are saying is a problem well understood by Madison Avenue. The zillions spent on advertising result in messages being blared on the radio, television, smartphones, radio and social media. If you want to herd the sheep, you need an enormous media campaign to get the message out over as many channels as possible.

Ray Orbison singing Pretty Woman

One characteristic of people is their degree of socialization, that is, how strong is their desire to conform, and how much do they value their own thoughts? Reminds me of the old joke about the first robin of spring. The first robin shows up too early and it snows. He is sitting in the barnyard freezing his tuchus off. A cow wanders by and takes a dump right on top of the robin. The manure thaws out the robin. He starts feeling so good he pops his head up out the cow pie and starts singing. The cat (all barnyards have cats) hears the robin, jumps on him and bites his little head off. The moral of the story is that if you warm and comfy in a pile of shit, keep your mouth closed.

Nancy Sinatra singing These Boots are Made for Walking

Some people are seduced by logical thinking. We have always studied the ancient Greeks, the Bible, the law and now we even study math, logic and engineering. But not all of us, and even among those who do, not all would be willing to put their heretical thoughts up against society.

I want to blame the Republicans for allowing the Democrats to gain control of all the big media, but then I remember that while we have two different names for politicians they are really all members of the same party, the uniparty, the party of making fortunes by any means what-so-ever.

Reef Break by The Atlantics

Make no mistake, big business has done some great things for the people in this country. The problem is we are systematically pushing the fringe farther from the center. You get rejected enough and some people will just give up. Why bother trying if nothing you have tried has ever worked? Much of this is that we outsourced manufacturing to east Asia, notably China. Has all that manufacturing benefited the Chinese sheep? One would hope that some good came out of the ritual suicide of our manufacturing industry.

For a Few Dollars More (Main Title) by Solist de Orchestre del Cinema Italiano

At this point I hope the campaigns of perversion have overextended themselves and the pendulum might be beginning to swing back, maybe even to old Victorian standards. There was a reason those muthers were so strait laced - no one wanted to hear about your perversions, or your lack of perversion. You start talking about that shit and someone, no matter what you are talking about, will take offense and may even be repulsed by it. Do what you like in private but when you are out in public, keep your clothes on and your mouth shut.

I was listening to music while I wrote this so each time I finished a paragraph I wrote down the name of the tune that was currently playing. Probably took two or three songs to write each section, so what we have here is just a random sample.

1 comment:

  1. I park and start walking to the poll when a couple guys want to give me campaign literature. I told them anybody who got that far without knowing who they were voting for shouldn't be allowed to vote.

    Yes all the money patriotic American Capitalists sent to China did raise the standard of living a little for quite a few and made a few stinkin' rich. Sound familiar?

    I have to agree with you in that when I was young you were queer or not. Then it was gay and lesbian. Although gay ruined a lot of old song lyrics, fine. But then they come up with categories like male-likes-men-but-celibate, and a dozen more. Why are you telling me, it's none of my business, I don't care. Keep it to your social circle.

    Full disclosure... I leave my door unlocked at night in case there's a rapist in the neighborhood. LoL
