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Sunday, June 2, 2024


Pearls Before Swine
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What's funny to you might not be funny to me, and vice versa. Different strokes for different folks, as the saying goes. California Bob sent me a video clip of Superfan Jake Byrd that showed up on Jimmy Kimmel Live a couple of days ago. (Beware: Kimmel is deep blue. If you like Trump you probably don't want to watch the rest of the show.) 

Anyway, Bob says: 'He's pretty goofy and made me laugh out loud.' He expected that I would think it was stupid, and he was right. It was so stupid I coulnd't watch the whole thing. But stupidity and comedy often go hand in hand. I opened up the comics this morning and Pearls Before Swine was very stupid, as usual, but it got a chuckle out of me.

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