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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Bodkin Series| Netflix

Bodkin | Official Trailer | Netflix

Working on a story for the Guardian, our girl Dove gets tangled up with the Official Secrets Act, so her boss sends her to Bodkin, Ireland, to help Gilbert, a podcaster who is working on a story about three people who disappeared 25 years ago. The comedy, such as it is, arises mostly from a contrast of styles. The podcaster just wants to get people to tell their stories and he thinks being nice to people will get him what he wants. He comes across as a bit foolish. Yeah, betting eight large that you don't have against a local gypsy kind of seals that deal. By comparison Dove is hard nosed and rude. Emma, Gilbert's 'researcher' is a neophyte to this whole business of actually talking to strangers.

They go to poking around and talking to people and you have never met a more evasive bunch, no straight answers here. Some it is because the locals are used to talking to other locals and so assume a certain amount of common knowledge that our intrepid reporters do not have. Like, how can you not know Frank? Everyone fricking knows Frank. Well, yeah, everyone who lives here might, but our gang is not from here. It's also because many of them are old and a little befuddled, to put it nicely. But then right quick we learn there is skulduggery afoot in Bodkin and people are lying to conceal it. Dad burn criminals.

Bodkin is fictional, but County Cork is real and is the southwestern most part of Ireland.

P. S. Eels show up somewhere in the last half of the series. Weird, since I just put up a post about them.

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