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Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Brain Fart

AI in Brainfuck

First of all I don't approve of the name. People you the word 'fuck' entirely too often. It is often used as an expletive by people who are frustrated by something they are working on, people like mechanics and programmers. I have been both and I have used the word extensively, but speaking it is different than writing it. Speak it and the sound vibrations dissipate into the atmosphere and no damage is done, unless someone with sensitive ears is nearby and hears it. I don't approve of using it to name things because that leads to the word being used as noun, which is dumb. Couldn't they have come up with a better name? Apparently the originator had a brain fart that prevented better word smithing. Whatever.

Mitxela has posted the source code for his tic tac toe program along with a debugger. Copy the source code and paste it into the debugger and you can watch it run while it tries to beat you at tic tac toe. I had to turn the speed down to zero in order to see anything happen, otherwise it goes to fast for anything to show up.

I have to admire that Urban was able to develop a 'complete' language using only 8 characters. Wikipedia has an article about it. I really enjoyed the video. The guy's voice has a soporific quality, so much so that was I content to let his explanations pass by without examining whether they made sense or not. The program works, so there's a good chance that his explanations are correct. It could be that the video is all a sham to disguise what he is really doing, but why would he do that? Of course the same question could be asked of the originator. Why would you do something like this? For fun, obviously.

Via Dennis, which prompted Jack to reply with INTERCAL, which was designed to be really stupid, which is how all programming languages look when you are starting down the road towards digital nirvana / oblivion.

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