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Sunday, March 14, 2021

The Death of Common Sense

Mental Lightning

The death of Common Sense begins with the words initiated by the morass of Bureaucracy couched in safety and security. Indeed, and according to past President Ronald Reagan, the most frightening words to hear in the English language are para ‘We’re here from the government and we’re here to help you!’ The underpinnings of such beginnings appear benign and with benign neglect the malignancy storms through, metastasizing arboreally through the veins of the entire system. The world is seeing such a death these days. -  CDC vs. Common Sense

The authors go on at length about the government's ham handed, foolish, clumsy, inept handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Just in case you have any doubts about where I stand on this subject, let me just summarize: I firmly believe this COVID-19 pandemic is unadulterated, pure bullshit and government's actions have been directed by fools and idiots. Do not bother trying to change my mind, I will simply classify you as another idiot.

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