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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Screw The New York Times

The Daily Wire informs us that The New York Times is spewing bullshit again. This time they pissed off the Prime Minister of Israel, Netanyahu.

“Anonymous sources briefed the New York Times that Israel will be prepared to end the war before all of its objectives are achieved,” Netanyahu fired back. “I do not know who these anonymous sources are, but I am here to make it unequivocally clear: This will not happen. The war will end once Israel achieves all of its objectives, including the destruction of Hamas and the release of all of our hostages. The Government directed the IDF to achieve these war objectives and the IDF has all the means to achieve them. We will not capitulate to the winds of defeatism, neither in the New York Times nor anywhere else. We are inspired by the spirit of victory.”

Hamas are lying, thieving terrorists and deserve to be destroyed. Anyone who is talking about a cease-fire or peace with Hamas is a fellow traveler and deserves the same fate as Hamas.


Anonymous said...

For 17 years Israel has run a prison camp for 2.1 million people in the 25 miles long by 4.7 to 7.5 miles wide Gaza strip. Israel controlled most of the food, water, and ability to work. They drove out the PLO by refusing to negotiate opening the door for Hamas to take control. The people living in the camp, especially the ones growing up their whole lives under this oppression, were easier to recruit to Hamas.

What Hamas did in Oct was a terrible thing. I can’t help but wonder how they got so far through an armed border? Was the resistance from the IDF low intentionally? Israel’s retaliation was expected and justified, but it’s gone too far and too long.
Hamas lies? Of course they do, so does Netanyahu. They’re politicians and at war, a war that should stop now.

The IDF used weapons I paid for to murder 7 Samaritans (WCK) trying to feed starving women and children food I paid for, and I’m pissed.

Anonymous said...

The Daily Wire?? Please.