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Monday, July 8, 2024

Slice of Pie

Slice of Pie Graph

Poking around on YouTube this morning and I noticed a video about taking progressively larger slices of pie and the question was which slice would be the largest? You start by taking a slice that is one percent of the whole pie, and then you take two percent of the remaining pie, and then three percent of what's left all the way up to one hundred. I couldn't come up with an equation that I could graph on Desmos, so off to the spreadsheet I go. Only had to make three little equations and then copy and paste to fill the rest of the sheet.

The size of the slice (the yellow line) goes up until you get to 10%. That's when you get the largest piece of pie. After that each slice gets progressively smaller. By the time you have reached the 35th slice, all that's left is 1/1000th of the whole pie.

Never did watch the video. Went back and looked for it but could not find it. Funny how I was able to get the whole problem from a one line blurb, but it took me a paragraph to explain it.

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