We make a left turn on a walkway of some sort (sidewalk across a lawn, colored run in the carpet, painted area on the floor? It's all slipping away ... ). We come to another intersection where we have to make another left turn, but we miss it. We go right by, like in a cartoon or a slapstick movie, and have to struggle to get back to the turn off. But we make it before the following horde descends on us. Now it's straight shot into the little building. There are two or three steps at the entrance. We go down a short hall to the front lobby, which is kind of like an old, small movie theatre. The walls are painted a solid green. That is solid as in solid, not wimpy or weird. There are three or four employee's there and one scoots over to unlock the front door. I have to stop, but the door is open by the time my friend gets there and we run outside.
The rest of our gang has just pulled up in an old, whitish Cadillac. The two doors on the passenger side open and one person gets out from each door. Everyone is wearing colorful clothes, like jockey silks. I pile in the front with two other people and the rest pile in the back. There are seven of us all told.
The guy behind the wheel is big and fat. He takes off driving across something like a construction site or a junk pile. We are bouncing over stuff and banging into the dirt. The car is really old and beat so if it gets destroyed it's no big loss.
Now we are on the road and we are going really fast. We go through a big corner at high speed. I lean my head to the right and hang on to keep from sliding across the seat. The driver blows through a stop sign. It doesn't worry me too much because visibility is good in all directions and he wouldn't do that if he saw another car around. Now we are approaching a Chevrolet dealership. I tell the driver it's an anomaly, it's the only one here by this section of Northbound freeway. All the other dealerships are gathered together over on another street. We are in Austin, Texas.
We blow through a red light. This is a little more concerning but we are approaching a residential district. There are a bunch of upscale three story condos, so I figure he has to slow down now. The condos are burnt orange. He goes by one car. Now we see a motorcycle approaching from the other direction and heading straight for us because we are on the wrong side of the road. Someone is saying, or thinking "don't do this", hoping that something will happen (not quite sure just what), but nothing does, and we end up with a motorcycle stuck to the grill. The driver is a girl. Her boyfriend shows up (I don't know where he came from, we are still going pretty fast) and takes over the controls. The motorcycle is still stuck nose to nose with our Caddy. The guy on the bike conducts some eyeball negotiations with the driver. Now I get a view from the bikers viewpoint and I see our driver put away his revolver, so they have evidently reached some agreement.
P.S. I know the car in the picture isn't a Cadillac, but it has the closest look that I could find.
1 comment:
'57 Pontiac, is it?
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