Trailer - Entrevías [TEMPORADA 4, FINAL] (TeleCinco) | HD
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Season 4 and all our whack-a-doodle characters are back. At the end of season 3, Irene, the adopted daughter of Jimena, dies. Six months later her death is still having an impact on the family. It shows up in different ways. The old man, Tiros, is finally emerging from his room. His son Santi has developed a serious gambling problem. Jimena, his normally rational, pragmatic daughter leads a protest that attacks the police. Nelson, Irene's teenage husband gets arrested for hitting a cop during that protest. Tiros finds out he has a 'mass' growing inside his head. Gladys finds out that while she can run the day-to-day operation of the bar, she is not a business woman and the bar is in trouble. Fortunately, Pepe, the previous bar owner, has returned from a six month vacation in Cadiz.
Then there's the cops:
- Ezequiel, the street-wise detective who resembles a bum.
- Amanda, the attractive, lesbian department head who is married to Jimena.
- Camilla, the new, cute recruit, paired up with Ezequiel.
- Rene, a new guy representing big business interests. Turns out he is Glady's ex-husband and Nelson's father. He is also a minister of a small church who happens to offer counseling to gambling addicts like Santi. He is totally suspicious, but he might turn out to actually be good guy. Then again, maybe not.
Let's not forget Sanchis. Near as I can make out, Pepe and Sanchis were soldiers under Tiros command and are all still devoted to each other. Sanchis has a bit of drug habit, but he can still be effective in certain high-stakes situations.
Dulce is the kickboxing young woman leading a gang.
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