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Thursday, July 18, 2024

Biden Camp Throwing Their Weight Around, Again

I've been getting some pushback from people I know about RT, well screw that. I like RT, I think they publish some very good stuff. They also publish a lot of stuff about the Ukraine war, but I don't read any of that because I expect that, like 99% of the stuff published about active conflicts, it's all bullshit.

You may have heard that Elon Musk wants to prosecute somebody, I dunno, major media outlets? The Federal government? over censorship of anything to the right of center. And since whoever is in charge in Washington D. C. has been calling the shots in Europe, we get this fun little bit:

WATCH full Zakharova interview before ‘far right’ magazine ban

The German outlet Compact was quashed in its home country days after publishing a conversation with the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman

RT has published the full 80-minute video of an interview that Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova gave to the German magazine Compact.

This week, the German government banned the publication and began a police investigation into its associates, after accusing it of fueling “far-right extremism.” Zakharova claims that the crackdown could have been a response to the interview.

Compact correspondent Hansjorg Mueller asked the spokeswoman which “red lines” Berlin might cross in Ukraine to trigger direct retaliation by Russia. He also wondered if Moscow could withdraw from the Two Plus Four Agreement – the multilateral treaty that allowed the reunification of Germany in 1990.

The German government did not mention either Russia or the Zakharova interview in its announcement of the crackdown on Compact. Instead, it accused the outlet of undermining the constitutional order in the country with its content.

Some German media linked the move with the surging popularity of the anti-migration, nationalist Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. Mueller served in the German parliament in 2017-2021 as a member of the AfD faction.

You can watch the interview by following the link. The two people (Maria and the reporter) are speaking some foreign gibberish, but there are subtitles. If the subtitles are crawling by too fast (or too slow) you can adjust the playback speed. I didn't watch it, I don't have the patience. I like my news in short, succinct paragraphs.

While we are on the subject of 'whoever is in charge in Washington D. C.', Sarah A. Hoyt has a fine idea for a novel.

P. S. 'Dirty Commies' is the best label I could think of for this post. Just to be clear I am not referring to the Russians, but the Biden administration.


Anonymous said...

You like RT because they say what you want to hear, what matches your opinion.

Anonymous said...

If there is anyone on this planet that has data to back up the claim it would be Mr. Musk. Their ability to curate the narrative has been abolished by losing twitter to free-er speech X

Anonymous said...

Maria Zakharova is very attractive and well spoken as her argument is written right in front of her (paper teleprompter) and rehearsed. She claims as a result of the war sanctions are appropriate but only on war materiel.
The Russian butcher/baker/candlestick maker shouldn't suffer sanctions for politics he's not involved in. What stupid bullshit thinking is that? Mr B/B/CM is certainly involved, everyone is involved when their country invades another country.
Sanctions making all(most) suffer the repercussions at least enough to be aware the war is costing them too, not some shit they just hear about on the news. Until everyone(most) is aware of the war and it's cost, it will never stop.
Of course since Putin has outlawed any and all opposition it may not matter who's against his personal objective to undo all of Gorbachev's treaties to make the world safer for children and other living things.

You know only accepting news in short clear chunks that agree with what you've made up your mind is true, will cause you to regurgitate untruths to the disservice of your readers.