Intel's Ronler Acres Plant

Silicon Forest
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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Component Dream

I'm at work and I'm talking to a younger guy there and I'm telling him about a tiny camera I found in a story. It is the size of a grain of rice, and I'm wondering where you can find something like that and he  hands me a catalog. It's an old parts catalog book. It 's about 3 inches wide and about 7 inches tall and about an inch thick and it's got a thousand pages in it. I open up the book and start looking through it and it's not obvious where anything is. There's several sections but the section that looks like an index is in the middle and it only goes up to the letter I. There's other sections for different subjects but I'm not seeing anything that would lead me directly to miniature cameras. So I go to the front of the book and I start leafing through it page by page and I notice that the first half dozen pages are all about brakes: brake rotors, brake pads, parts for automobiles. And I'm thinking, well, people who deal with electronic components are probably do-it-yourself kind of people and brakes are something you can do yourself that can save you a lot of money so maybe they're just tapping into that market here. 

Anyway I keep looking through this book and I'm still not finding anything and then a couple other guys come and sit down at the table where we are. I don't recognize them. They are both wearing clean, button down shirts, but they're a little scruffy looking. Their haircuts look like they were done by a third rate barber and their shaves are a little sloppy, but they're smiling and happy. They ask our last names and I tell them mine and I ask them their names and he says he's afraid to because my name is so unusual. So I guess Smith and Jones and they laugh because I'm not far off, or I'm not wrong but they don't tell me their names. So I asked them what we can we do for them and they won't tell me that either so I start guessing that are they here to pick up or deliver something or they here to give us a sales pitch, but none of those are correct. So now I'm guessing that they're fixit guys that have been called in to correct a problem with the company which means we're probably all going to get laid off and they don't say I'm wrong but all they'll say is that they're mowing the grass tonight or reaping the grass tonight or something like that.

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