Intel's Ronler Acres Plant

Silicon Forest
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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

$7 Bill Dream

I'm back in Beaverton, we still have the Windstar, but the kids are older and we're playing car shuffle, you know the old drill where you have one more driver than you have cars and someone has taken one of the cars to run an errand and now all the other drivers have to adjust to driving a different car than usual. I need some small bills to pay someone but all I have is a couple $100 bills, and now I have to walk a couple of blocks to pick up a car. There is a two story business building with outside stairs and an outside walkway around the second floor. Going through this building is shorter than going around the block, but I only ever visit the businesses on the second floor. I get halfway up the stairs before I realize I am only going past this building, I don't need to go upstairs at all, so I turn around.

Now I'm sitting in the driver's seat in the parking lot of a convenience store. I know the guy who works there and he has just exchanged a small stack of bills for one of my hundreds. I'm counting the money and it starts with four singles. What's this? Why do I have four singles? Whatever, I count the rest of the money and it comes to a hundred bucks, so I hand him back the four ones. Now I count the money again and I notice that a couple of what I thought were tens are now $7 bills. What? Since when did they start printing $7 bills? Who knows? The government is far away. This is just one more thing to mess with people. Okay, so that's what the extra $4 was for. (Yes, I know it doesn't add up, but it did in the dream.)  Now I go through the stack of bills again and this time I find a couple of four dollar bills. Oh boy, this is getting messy. And that is all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In primary school 70+ years ago, we cut coins out of cardboard, wrote random number on each, eg 17 or 23 etc, then practiced giving change. Thus we learnt mental arithmetic.