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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Preference Cascade

Borepatch put up a post titled:

I hope he's right. He explains the term, but I'm wondering because I think I've heard this term before, so I go looking and I found this excellent post on Blog & Mablog:

The Coming Preference Cascade

It was so great I had to leave a compliment and as a bonus I got this wonderful response: 

Thank you for submitting a letter to Blog & Mablog. Years from now, after you have been nominated to become the next Secretary of State, the fact that you used to read this blog, and even were so far gone in your depravity that you wrote this letter to us, will no doubt be brought up at the congressional hearings. Such being the case, we commend you for your courage. At the same time, while admiring your bravery, we have to warn you that because of the volume of letters we receive, we are not able to promise to publish every one. Thank you for understanding.

The Blog & Mablog post has four parts. The third part is titled Saul & David and is about some passages in the Bible. I am not sure what the relevance is, other than the aura of authority is linked to the spirit of the Lord. Shoot, that might be true.

I don't know how far the cascade has progressed. My local area (Washington County) is like a little bubble of joy and happiness, things couldn't be any better. I have to avoid talking with people about politics, most of the people I know are true blue Biden supporters. Intel and Nvidia both have a big presence here and they have made fortunes for a bunch of people. You can tell from the proliferation of wineries and Christmas tree farms. You can't just have a big estate in Oregon, you have to be using it for 'agricultural purposes' and Christmas tree farms and wineries fit the bill. The far east side of Portland is another matter.

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