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Sunday, March 16, 2025


Baby Blues - Passwords

This sounds like our house when my wife and I are trying to navigate medical / insurance websites. The problem with using phrases is remembering the phrase exactly. Was it 'for the rest of your lives' or 'forever'? And then there are the password managers offering to save your password for you. Are they any more reliable than websites that offer to 'Remember me'? Shit, any seriously motivated hacker can steal everything on your computer including your passwords. And why do we have passwords on medical websites anyway? Why? Because of HIPAA, that's why:

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 establishes federal standards protecting sensitive health information from disclosure without patient's consent. - CDC

There must be some people out there who want to keep their medical records confidential, but I ain't one of them, and I don't understand this overarching desire for privacy. I suppose if you are operating in a contentious environment with people who will use any means, fair or foul, to trip you up or bring you down, you could want your medical records secure. Or you might just be paranoid. In the past I have just removed myself from those situations, but that may not always be feasible.

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