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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Extreme Ridiculousness

TOYO TIRES | Ken Block’s Climbkhana: Pikes Peak Featuring the Hoonicorn V2

This has been sitting in my inbox for the last three days and I have been carefully avoiding it, but today I'm feeling a little weak and succumbed to the lure of the twin sirens of speed and power. I can't think of a more foolish waste of time and money, but I still watched the whole thing. You have to give Monsieur Block credit for finding a way to make money off of this nonsense. I mean, I hope he's making money, he certainly has enough commercial tie-ins to his hot rod empire.

People have been entranced by speed from the beginning (like a billion years ago, whenever the microbes first developed motility). If you are faster than the other guy / animal / entity you can escape their clutches -or- bring your clutches to bear, depending on whether you are the pursued or the pursuer. We'll leave out who which ones are good or bad, it all depends on your frame of reference and your allegiances. I know where my allegiances lie, or at least I think I do. How about you? Do you know where your allegiances lie?

Via Road & Track


Ole Phat Stu said...

Kinda scary, given his driving ability ;-)

Chuck Pergiel said...

If there was no risk, there would be no suspense, and we wouldn't be watching, would we?