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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Death to Crawlspaces

How to Install CSST Fittings

A crawlspace is the space between the floor of a house and the ground. It is typically accessed through a trapdoor in the floor. It is about two feet high, though the beams that support the floor impinge on that. Modern houses in the south don't have them. Houses down there are typically built on cable reinforced concrete slabs. Houses in the Midwest, and other places where it freezes solid in the winter, used to be built with basements. I don't know what they do now. They may be building on slabs as well. Or maybe since the collapse of the US steel and auto industries, they don't build any houses.

Here in Oregon, crawlspaces are ubiquitous, and they are awful. They are repositories for all the rubbish that is generated during construction. They are filthy and dusty and full of uncomfortable rocks.

They are also the preferred place for all the utility lines like water, sewer, gas and electric, so if you need to do anything with any of that you get to go down in the crawlspace and crawl around. Bah, double bah, humbug and a curse on all your mothers. Geez.

P.S. CSST stands for Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing

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