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Sunday, March 24, 2024

War On Drugs

Stupid groupthink is what has got us into this mess, and make no mistake we are in a mess. A certain amount of groupthink can be beneficial. If you are trying to organize people to all work together on some massive project, it helps if most everyone agrees with what you are trying to do. But when your group gets locked into one way of thinking, and everyone in that group is making money, it's almost impossible for any divergent opinions to be heard.

Lots of people are dying from overdoses of strong drugs, even more than the number of people dying in automobile accidents. Near as I can tell there are two problems at play here. One is that you don't know exactly what you are getting when you are buying drugs on the street. Some shifty-eyed dude tells you the pill is Ecstacy, but he doesn't know, he's just telling you what somebody told him. Only the guy who made it knows what's in it, and he may have added Fentanyl to the mix.

A second problem is that the line between adequate pain relief and dying can be very thin, especially for heavy users. The more you use, the more it takes to get the same amount of relief and then one day you step over the line and that's the last step you take.

A third problem is that while many people use narcotics to relieve chronic pain, many others use it to get high, which some consider to be relief from mental pain. There are other ways to relieve mental pain, but they require working with other people, and working with other people can be painful in its own way.

American Gangster Official Trailer #1 - Denzel Washington, Russell Crowe Movie (2007) HD
Rotten Tomatoes Classic Trailers

What we need is a trusted agency that certifies the purity of drugs. It would be nice if it was a government agency, but that ain't gonna happen anytime in the near future. I remember in the film American Gangster, Denzel was marking his heroin packets with some kind of logo. Here's a guy providing a public service, but because he wasn't paying off the right people, he got busted.

Blue Magic Heroin Packets

I suspect that the economics of dealing drugs is forcing prices down and the general level of morality of drug dealers is going down. The economics are that since more people are out of work, more people are looking for a cheap way to kill time, and more people are getting into the business, and Fentanyl is cheaper than heroin. Thanks, Uncle Joe.

Wikipedia page about the movie.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right, the FDA isn't going to certify anything you buy on the street. Chances are the guy selling on the street is addicted to something, not likely the thing he's been given to sell, in order to earn his fix. All he knows is he has to sell and will say anything you want to hear.