My son and his gang of hooligans went dumpster diving at Peter Bosco school yesterday and came away with a whole bunch of treasures. One of these treasures was a pristine oversize globe, or at least it was pristine until John drop kicked it down a flight of stairs by accident. It is actually still in pretty good condition. If you look close there are a couple of damaged areas, but hey, it was in the trash.

I have a big pile of stuff here I should get rid of. Stuff that works, that I am not using, that is taking up space and should be worth some small amount of money. Some of it I could give to Goodwill, but some of it is stuff that Goodwill won't take, mostly of a technical or mechanical nature. If I was really strapped for cash, I would expend the effort to take some pictures, post them on
Craig's list, answer the phone and/or e-mail, wait for potential buyers to show up, and negotiate the sale when they actually did come by. It isn't difficult, but it is time consuming, and I wonder if it will actually be worth the effort. Guess this means I'm lazy. But it also explains why the globe ended up in the dumpster.
Update September 2016 replaced missing pictures.
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