Silicon Forest
If the type is too small, Ctrl+ is your friend
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Microsoft, docx & "Free File Viewer"
Rebuilding Center
Grand Central Bakery |
Dead Bees
They are not honey bees. I am not sure they are bees at all, they might be hornets. But over the last 4 or 5 days they have been showing up in the family room, flying around for a bit and then keeling over dead. There are a grand total of maybe 2 or 3 dozen. I have not found any others anywhere else in the house, and I haven't been able to figure out where they are coming from. A quick scan of the outside of the house didn't reveal anything. Seems like there are always one or two buzzing around the window, but they don't seem to last long, and they don't seem very energetic. It is really kind of weird.
Update February 2017 replaced missing pictures.
The Good Wife
My wife and I have been looking for a new crime series to watch. We've watched all the original CSI and Law & Order: Criminal Intent episodes. We tried Burn Notice and Bones, but they didn't make the cut. I can't watch CSI:New York, CSI:Miami or Law & Order: SVU (lead actor roles are too macho). The original Law & Order spends too much time in the courtroom arguing bizarre points of law for my taste.
Daring daughter turned us on to The Good Wife and we are enjoying it enough to dig up the old episodes on the internet. The Good Wife has a lot of good things going for it:
- it is well done,
- it has an attractive, serious woman as the lead
- it has Chris Noth, a former lead on Law & Order: Criminal Intent, as the iffy husband
I am pretty sure corruption has been around as long as there has been something that was worth corrupting, i.e. forever. The show's story line sounds like it is making progress against the bad guys, and I imagine the current villain will get his come-uppance in the season finale, but corruption is eternal, so next year we'll have a new villain and the cycle will continue.
Update February 2017 replaced missing picture.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Josh Kornbluth & the Red Diaper Baby
Of course there is the idea of communism and then there is the version practiced by countries that claim to be communist, and they are two very different things.
* Wikipedia definition:
Red diaper baby describes a child of parents who were members of the United States Communist Party (CPUSA) or were close to the party or sympathetic to its aims.
Quote of the Day
I have severe misgivings about the future. You can tell I'm not that sure what will happen, though, because I've taken only limited and tentative steps to hedge against a societal collapse, beyond the sensible precaution of being old enough that I probably won't live to see it.Found on Grim's Hall.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Quote of the Day
Real Americans are anti-social, stand-offish, grouches - who don't let other people tell them what in the hell constitutes a "real American", dammit.Tam quoting a comment by Bram written in response to one of Tam's posts.
Pictures From The Net
In any case if you do this from more than one site, you are liable to find you end up with multiple copies of the same picture. People steal pictures ruthlessly. To get rid of the duplicates, you can use two picture viewing programs, and resize the windows to share the screen and visually compare them. That can be a bit of a pain. I normally run all my Windows programs at full screen resolution. Dealing with windows that are smaller than that is a pain.
There are programs that will locate and delete duplicate files for you, but they generally cost money. I wrote one many moons ago, and it still works, but it runs in a DOS box and is slower than molasses compare to some of the new ones. If you are only looking at a few files, or you can let it run, it's fine.
The programs to delete duplicate files won't necessarily work well for images, because the same image can be encoded in different ways. You can encode the same image two different ways and the files will be completely different.
I found a free program that looks for duplicate images, shows them to you and then lets you choose which one to delete. It's a little old, and it's a little clunky, but it's free and it works fine. It's call Dup Detector and it's available from Prismatic Software via RAREWARE here.
Keeping Things In Order
The whole point of putting a list in a spreadsheet is so that you can sort it by various columns so you can easily see just how many you have of each color, size, perversion, or whatever talents you included.
It seems to me that I've done this before and somehow the numbers magically stayed with their item. I just finished making a list today and when I sorted it by color, the data in the item-number column disappeared. Hmmm, that's not good. Control-Z brings it back. I kind of suspected it was too good to be true, so I am not disappointed. I just have to figure out how to convert these formulas to numbers. Turns out it is simple enough:
- insert a column adjacent to the item number column
- select the item-number column and COPY (Control-C)
- select the new, empty column
- from the EDIT menu, select PASTE VALUES
- delete the original item number column
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Barrel Roll in a Tunnel
Mercedes SLS 360 Barrel Roll In Tunnel FULL VERSION
Very cool, but for all those guys with their laptops, lab coats, headphones, clipboards. What a lot of BS. Especially since Top Gear did the same stunt in a real car in a real situation.
What If I Want To Go Upside Down In A Tunnel? - Top Gear - Series 14 Ep 4 Highlight - BBC Two
OK, it's not any more a real situation than the Mercedes stunt, but it looks more like a real stunt and less like a Hollywood production.
October 2016 replaced missing videos.
Orcas Island
East Sound, Orcas Island |
Yosemite Firefall
A little more checking reveals that both stories are true. The first half dozen pictures are of the Horsetail waterfall illuminated by the setting sun and last few are of the remains of the bonfire falling down the face of a cliff. Two different events, two different locations, but both in Yosemite.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
By and large I tend to agree with this sentiment, or at least I used to. The problem with this is that businesses are amoral. They aren't a church, or a court, they are organizations devoted to making money, presumably doing things more efficiently than people could do for themselves. Because they are more efficient they can charge a price that people will find it easier to pay than to do the work themselves.
Because businesses fundamentally don't care about the world outside of their own operations, they may engage in practices that are detrimental to the society that hosts them. Witness out-sourcing and off-shoring, two practices that have put a lot of Americans out of work.
Then there was the economic meltdown caused by businesses running amuck. That probably did more damage to our economy than all other factors combined. This particular debacle got started when the regulations governing mortgages changed, and the worst part of it is that, much as I hate to say it, the change in loan regulations happened under Clinton.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
During the American Revolution, the active forces in the field against the King's tyranny never amounted to more than 3% of the colonists. They were in turn actively supported by perhaps 10% of the population. In addition to these revolutionaries were perhaps another 20% who favored their cause but did little or nothing to support it. Another one-third of the population sided with the King (by the end of the war there were actually more Americans fighting FOR the King than there were in the field against him) and the final third took no side, blew with the wind and took what came.You can read the whole thing here.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Web Site of the Day
Amazing Aircraft and Spacecraft Model Kits from the 20th and 21st Centuries
Monday, July 19, 2010
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
I just finished reading the Scandinavian murder mystery: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. My wife picked this one up at Target. I saw it sitting on a table, picked it up and started reading and basically didn't put it down until I was done. Except for this one part where the protagonist makes a couple of boneheaded mistakes and gets himself in a real stinking jam, and that kind of pissed me off. It's like when you are watching a horror movie and you have a tense situation and some clown jumps out from behind a door just to scare somebody, thinking it’s funny. Just once, instead of the girl just saying “jeez, Jimmy, you scared the s**t out of me”, I’d like her to preface that by blowing his head off with a 44. That would teach the stupid jerk to not pull stunts like that.
I took it with me to the doctor's office the other day and everyone there commented on it, which was a little unsettling. Here I am enjoying popular culture, and as we all know popular culture is often garbage. In this case it is not. For the most part the characters are very real. There is some fantasy to it, but that's one reason why we read fiction, isn't it?
It does have a bright yellow cover so it is eye catching.
Update February 2017 replaced missing picture.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Quote of the Day
I’m not a fan of gas at all. In fact an apt I rented once had a gas stove, and I bought an electric hot plate. I think it’s a phobia from growing up with an extended family of Italian drama queens in the 50′s who were always talking about sticking their heads in the oven. - DeniseVBFrom a comment found on Cripes Suzette.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Web Site of the Day
Never mind the picture, you can't buy it at the store, but who knows? In 20 years you might be able to. Lasers were invented 50 years ago and now they are everywhere. No, we don't have Ray-Guns yet, but that's probably a good thing.
Update February 2017 replaced missing picture.
Bedrock of Civilization
Look at the Ancient Egyptians. Their civilization lasted for thousands of years. And look at the Roman Empire. It lasted for thousands of years, too, or at least hundreds. What were these two civilizations known for, and what did they leave behind? Giant things made out of rock. The Egyptians put thousands of people to work for hundreds of years building the pyramids. The Romans put thousands of people to work building roads, theaters and aqueducts out of stone.
So in order to preserve our civilization what we obviously need to do is put millions of people to work making things out of rock. Roads and bridges would be a good place to start. Buildings are another possibility. If that isn't enough, we could work on building a wall along the border, either the Canadian or Mexican border. It doesn't really matter. The point is to put people to work. If we still haven't put everyone to work, we could make our own set of pyramids. That would certainly take up the slack.
Wouldn't have to pay them much. A dollar a day, enough food to do the required work, free medical care. Sundays off to attend an all day religious service that would be especially designed to keep you happy carrying rocks the rest of the week.
No pension, no retirement. Work until you die. Retired people have too much time on their hands. They just sit around and think of ways to make trouble. Full employment from the time you are able to lift a rock until you can't carry one anymore.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Hard Disk Drives, Part 3
I pulled a stick of memory from the old gaming system and put it in the old Dell, downloaded and installed SP3 and Firefox. The SP3 installation turned on the firewall by default and left the other stuff turned off, which suited me fine. Imported my wife's address book and old messages directly from the hard drive from her laptop.
Now all we need is the password. Calling Verizon gets me a number to Frontier. Call Frontier and I get exactly the same Robo-cop automatic menu system as I got with Verizon. Finally get through to a person and he tells me it's going to be another week before their email system is actually working. My wife finally gets in the act and starts looking for the folder with the email id's and passwords. I've been looking for it for days. She finds it in five minutes. Open the folder and there's her ID and password. Type them in and presto! Downloading 549 new messages . . .
She gets a lot of spam. Total expense for this operation was under $100. $30 to the repair shop, $48 to Newegg for the new hard disk drive and $19 to Iguana Micro for the external hard drive case for the disk from the laptop. The only thing lacking on the resurrected Dell is a decent screen. Right now it has an old 17" CRT. Remember when a 17" screen was the cat's pajamas? No, probably not.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Bug for the Day
It's hard to get a good shot of a dragonfly. They are fairly big: they have a long body and long wings, but they are skinny, so you have to get close to get any detail. I didn't think this shot was too bad.
Update February 2017 replaced missing picture.
Boys & Girls
My daughter cut up a watermelon for a fruit salad this afternoon. I have never seen anyone cut up a watermelon by cutting the rind off first and then cutting up the fruit. The way I've always done it, and the only way I've ever seen it done is to slice up the watermelon, rind and all, and then separate the rind from the fruit. Where do these kids get these weird ideas?
Update February 2017 replaced missing picture.
Ross pulled this bottle of tonic water out of the cupboard. Tonic water is normally like soda pop: the water is carbonated and the bottle is pressurized. This bottle is several years old, and not only is the fizz long gone, but it evidently continued to pump gas out of the bottle after the pressure was all gone. If I had left it be would it eventually have pumped all the water out too? I suspect some kind of chemical reaction, but I don't know what it would be. This is just all around too weird.
Update February 2017 replaced missing picture.
Canoe and 1.5 HP motor
It's quite slower than it appears. Upstream against a 5 mph current it makes about walking speed against the bank. On flat water it manages a good clip. It's a Sportspal canoe, like 35 lbs superthin aluminum, and an Evinrude Mate 1.5 HP 2 stroke water-cooled from 1969, that weights about 20 lbs. Portage whole thing if needed, I suppose. You can find those motors occasionally on CL. I got mine on ebay. (Another) Mike (redacted) brought home a dead one which I replaced rings in and it ran. Needs main bearing before it grenades, though. Mine has cord start, his has recoil. And they are noisier than paddles, so earplugs are needed. But I think I could do a multi-day trip in one. Looking at Muskegon River.
Parts are available online still, except for main bearing, which I found on ebay and came in an "OMC Waukegan, IL" OEM envelope.
OMC is responsible for the nearly complete deadly contamination of Waukegan Harbor due to improper PCB disposal of hydraulic fluid through floor drains.
But I got a sweet little motor out of the deal...
Hard Disk Drives, Part 2
The shop charged $30 to tell me the laptop was not worth repairing. It needed a new motherboard which would cost $450 and and the hard drive had a bunch of errors indicative of its' coming demise. I am not pleased with HP, again. Five years sitting on a desktop and it fails. It hasn't so much as been carried out of the house. I wrote a check to the shop and put it in the mail. I had asked them to check it out and they did. No sense quibbling over trifles like $30. Only I after I mailed the check did I realize I really could use the hard drive, but I didn't want to go to the shop and ask for the hard drive and give them some lame line like "the check's in the mail", so I have waited till I am reasonably sure the check has been delivered, so they won't think I'm a jerk.
Of course the problem here is we don't really know what the problem is. There could have been some easily fixed problem and the shop saw an opportunity to sell this valuable laptop out the back door and make a hunert bucks. Okay, now you're being silly/paranoid.
The problem with the computer could probably be easily fixed, if it could be located, and that's the real problem. There are so many circuits so tightly packed that tracking down the problem could take hours if not days, and that's only if you had a map (a schematic and a layout diagram). Without those it could take months or even years. And since a comparable laptop probably sells for about $500, you would have to be a real masochist to attempt to track it down.
The hard drive I ordered from Newegg arrived the other day, so now I'm trying to get another computer going. I have one of my son's old gaming computers, one he discarded a couple of years ago while he was on his quest for the ultimate gaming system. So I hooked up the hard drive and attempted to install Windows on it from some CD. The installation goes fine, until it comes time to reboot and now it wants part 2. Part 2? What Part 2? Bah.
But wait, I have another old computer, this one a Dell. It's older, but it's the same vintage as mine, so it should do fine, and I have the original, official Dell Windows installation disks. I can use this. Actually this computer is still functional, it's just that the hard drive makes this ugly whining sound. Seems nobody bothered to tick the "shut down the disk drives when sleeping" button when it was new, so it ran continuously for about five years. So we replace the disk and start the installation. Now it's time to go check on it, see how it's getting on.
It's still formatting the drive, and now it's lunchtime. More later.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
I don't think I've ever seen a hummingbird in Oregon before. This guy was in my back yard. I saw a moth once that was bigger than a hummingbird. The moth had a probiscus that was curled up in a spiral. He uncurled it to insert it in a flower, and when he was done he would curl it up again and fly away. Only saw the moth that one time. This time I had a camera, and I was able to get a shot and a short movie. The hummingbird actually sits on the branch for a bit. We had hummingbirds around our house when we lived in Arizona, but I never saw them sitting still, they were always on the move.
Update February 2017 replaced missing picture.
Quote of the Day
"Sit in reverie, and watch the changing color of the waves that break upon the idle seashore of the mind."From Ned
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Awesomest Car Evah!
No windshield, no rear door, plants growing in the back seat.
Update February 2017 replaced missing picture.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Quote of the Day
It should be noted that no ethically-trained software engineer would ever consent to write a DestroyBaghdad procedure. Basic professional ethics would instead require him to write a DestroyCity procedure, to which Baghdad could be given as a parameter. - Nathaniel S. BorensteinFound this in an old file. I still like it.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Standing Room Only
This is great thing. I think one of the things I dislike about flying is having to stay in your seat for hours on end. Being able to stand up for a while without being in someone's way would be a good thing.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
![]() |
View from the Coast Range |
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Ammunition |
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Target Boards |

- T is the temperature at your higher elevation,
- T0 is the temperature at the lower elevation,
- h is the difference in altitude,
- L is a constant with a value of
- 0.0065 K/m if you are using the metric system, and
- 0.0036 °F/f if you are using the English system.
- K/m is degrees Kelvin, or rather in new-fangled new-speak, just Kelvins, per meter. Since Kelvins are the same size as degrees Centigrade (or is that now just Celsiuses?), and we aren’t concerned about absolute, just relative temperature, you could just use the local temperature in Centigrade.
- °F/f is degrees Fahrenheit per foot, and if you live in America, that should be enough of an explanation.
- I calculated the English constant 16 ways from Sunday before I was satisified. I am pretty sure I have it correct now. Why is something like that so difficult? Perhaps because I'm hungry? Because it's Saturday? It should be trivial, but I managed to get it wrong 15 ways before I got it right. (0.0065 x 9 x 12 x 25.4 / 5000)
Old News
Via Jody.
Update February 2017 replaced missing video.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Watched this with my daughter this week. What a fantastic movie! Someone sure put a lot of work into it, creating this world and all the plants and animals. They were just amazing! They have gotten a lot better at animating motion. Usually when I watch CGI (Computer Generated Images) I notice little glitches in the motion. Something is just not quite right about the way a person or animal moves. On one one hand it's very subtle. It's not like I can point out exactly what is wrong, but on the other hand it's blatantly obvious. It sticks out like a sore thumb. I didn't see any of that in this movie, or if I did, I chose to ignore it, because in general, the motion was dang near perfect.
Then we have the human's machines. Movie makers have gotten very good at this sort of thing, but I didn't notice anything that could be considered a quantum leap better like I did with the biological forms.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Used Car Story
He washed it and took it to the bank and there was over $400. He went back to the lady he bought the car from and told her about it, and she told him that her husband used to put all his change in the tank whenever he bought a tank of gas. When the car got old, he would have enough change in the tank to make a down payment on a new one. She told him to keep the money.
The way we figure it, the change sliding around in the bottle of the tank wore the bottom of the tank thin and eventually made a hole.
Hard Disk Drives
With the way disk prices have fallen, you can probably buy a terabyte drive (that's a million megabytes) for $100, but I really don't want or need that much space. Just copying 20 Gigs off of the hard drive from the laptop took me six hours last night. I might have been able to cut it down a little if I had been willing to sit there and babysit the stupid machine, but that is something I just won't do.
It should only have taken 20 or 30 minutes, but good ol' drag and drop isn't much good for copying an entire hard disk. It runs for awhile and then it croaks on some file. It doesn't tell you where the file is, and there is no telling what order things get copied in, so all you can do is copy everything in that directory again, EXCEPT leave out that file.
The first problem was the System Volume Information folder in the root directory. Wouldn't copy that. Fine, copy everything but that. Then we start running into problems with file names in the Application Data subdirectories (every user has one). We have files that are buried in directories that are 20 levels down, and Windows is complaining that the filename is too long or some nonsense. I ran checkdsk before I started and it didn't find any problems. Windows is wonderful. Just keep telling yourself that.
Of course, only a neanderthal would think that copying everything would actually copy everything. There's probably some special program available that will do it. If I had know it was going to take six hours I would have spent the time necessary to track it down. Anyway, I gave up trying to copy the Application Data.
While I'm on Newegg (looking for a new hard drive for the old computer), it occurs to me that flash memory has gotten really cheap. For that kind of money I should be able to buy a solid state disk (SSD) for less than a hard disk. Turns out that isn't the case. They are more expensive than hard disks. What the heck is going on? I smell a rat. I’ll bet the disk drive vendors are paying off the memory card makers to keep their prices high so they won't cut their legs out from under them. Actually, no, it's not a conspiracy. I forgot about swap space.
Elliot reminded me at lunch today about that. Swap space is a special section of space on your hard disk. The computer uses this space to pretend that it is has zillion bytes of memory (RAM), even though it actually only has 500 megabytes. Since the computer can only do one thing at a time, it loads whatever it is working on into RAM, and whatever it doesn’t need at the moment gets written out to swap space. If you have several programs open at once, and you are changing back and forth between them, stuff is getting transferred between memory and swap space all the time.
Regular flash memory (like what is used for the BIOS and your USB thumb drives) has a limited lifetime. It can only be written about 100,000 times before it starts failing. Most of the data (like the operating system files and application programs) on a hard disk gets written once and stays that way. The small amount of user generated data (your email, the letter to your mom, your Quicken files) isn't going to have a big impact on the write limit. For that kind of use regular flash memory would be fine.
However, the swap space, and to a lesser extent, the internet cache, get overwritten continuously whenever the computer gets busy. If you overwrite your swap space a thousand times an hour, your SSD memory made with regular flash memory chips would only have a working lifetime of about 100 hours. That would not be good. So they are using something else, something better, something that lasts longer, and evidently, costs more.
I took the laptop into a local repair shop today. We’ll see what they find. It may be something as simple as a bad memory card, or even just a dirty connector, or it might be a BIOS virus. I suspect the virus. Murphy’s Law, you know. If that is indeed the case, that will mean writing a new BIOS into the flash memory where the BIOS resides. HP (maker of the laptop) has a program you can download that will update the BIOS. Unfortunately, your computer must be in operating condition to run it. It’s a Windows program. What I need is a boot CD with this program. I did some looking today and I didn’t find any sign of any such animal. The laptop may be goner. I’ll just have to wait and see.
Meanwhile, when the new disk drive gets here, I can set up the old computer so my wife can access her Outlook Express files. I hope.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Zeolite Pics
Here's some drawings of the molecular structure, and one micrograph of a seed used for growing zeolite crystals.
Quote of the Day
While young men are more affected emotionally by the quality of their current relationships, young women are more emotionally affected by whether they are in a relationship or not. - Wake Forest Professor of Sociology Robin Simonfrom Science News. Curious. This might explain why a woman will stay in a bad, even abusive, relationship. Doesn't explain why a man would stay in a bad relationship though.
I originally read this story a couple of weeks ago, and didn't think much about it, but this one line stuck with me and so I finally went back and tracked it down.
Monday, July 5, 2010
We Dive At Dawn
I watched it this weekend and there are a few points that struck me. The submarine is dispatched to attempt to intercept a German battleship on it's way to the Kiel Canal, which cuts across the Denmark peninsula. On the way the submarine encounters a life saving station out in the middle of the North Sea. There are three stranded German aviators on it, and as soon as they see the British sub they attempt to send a radio message. The Brits shoot down the aerial, and the Germans jump into water and swim as quick as they can to the submarine. This whole scene was kind of weird. Life saving station in the middle of the North Sea? They have a radio, but haven't been rescued? They report the subs position (so it can be sunk), and now they desperately want to get on board that same submarine? Something just doesn't compute here.
To get to the battleship they have to negotiate a mine field and a submarine net. The underwater shots were utterly convincing. I imagine they were probably done with models. With the grainy images, the water being not totally transparent, and the lack of background probably made it easier to fake, but well faked it was.
They got through the submarine net by repeatedly ramming it. The net appeared to be made of 1" or 2" steel cables tied into squares between four and eight feet on a side. The submarine was about six squares high. They had to ram the net five or six times, and each time the cables on the net gave way a little more. I was talking to Jack about this at lunch today and he thought it was totally bogus. I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Someday maybe I'll stumble over some stories about submarines versus nets and I'll find out.
When they catch up with the German battleship there is a lot of fussing with getting the sub in position to fire. When they do finally get in position, they let go with all six torpedoes, in sequence, one after another, spaced a few seconds apart. I seem to recall reading about submarines having that many torpedo tubes, but I don't recall ever seeing a submarine movie where they launched six torpedoes all at once. Four maybe, but never six. That was a surprise.
There are German destroyers in the area and they are soon dropping depth charges on our heroes. Due to the incessant pounding the submariners don't know whether they have hit their target or not. Eventually their fuel tank is damaged and they lose most of the oil for their diesel engines. They have a dead German prisoner on board, so they decide to pull the old blow-a-bunch-of-junk-out-the-torpedo-tube ploy to convince the Germans that they have successfully sunk the British sub. In addition, they surface the submarine aft end first briefly, just enough to stick the tail in the air, before it slips back below the surface. Evidently the combination of: 1) a large amount of oil on the surface, 2) a dead body dressed in a British officer's uniform, 3) a bunch of flotsam, and 4) the apparent last gasp of the submarine itself was enough to convince the Germans that they had killed the interloper. I have seen the old blow-a-bunch-of-junk-out-the-torpedo-tube ploy many times before. This may have been the first.
They have escaped destruction, but they are in enemy waters, far from home, and nearly out of fuel. The captain decides to head for a nearby island, let the crew go ashore and then scuttle the submarine. The crew will be interred, or more likely sent to a prison camp, for the duration of the war. And then some wiseguy pops up and tells the captain about a nearby harbor where they might be able to steal enough oil to get home. Well, getting home would be a heck of a lot better than what they were facing, so they go for it. As luck would have it there is a Danish tanker in the harbor, and the captain is more than happy to help the British steal some of his oil. Denmark is occupied, so there are German soldiers about, so we get a firefight where the valiant British soldiers mow down a bunch of the evil Nazis. The whole point of this paragraph was to talk about the Danish Captain. It was really nice to run into someone so agreeable.
After many trials and tribulations, they successfully escaped the rain forest, negotiated the Road Of Death, and reached the Andes mountains. Here they began making use of cocaine in the form of leaves and tea. This sufficed until they got up to about 15,000 feet (of elevation). That's when the Viagra got put to use.
Now they have a choice: take the short way over the volcano or the long way around. They have been slogging along for days now and are ready to be done with this, so they opt for the short route. The show makes a big deal about it being an active volcano, but they don't even consider that it might cause a problem, and in fact it doesn't. However, the part about going OVER the volcano does. They get up to 17,000 feet and call it quits. There just isn't enough air. I am surprised they made it that far. I've hiked up to 10,000 feet a couple of times and there isn't any air at that elevation. I found it interesting that there is a road there. Who the devil built the road? And who drives on it? Anyway, the cars are still running, but there isn't enough air for the drivers. They turn back and end up taking the long way around.
I was talking to my friends about this and we got to thinking about how you could get oxygen and somebody mentioned the little machines used by people who need oxygen for medical reasons. It used to be that people would carry a small bottle of oxygen around with them (on a little cart, even the little ones are heavy), but now we have these little machines that make oxygen out of thin air. So naturally we want to know how they do it. No one knows, so I volunteer to look it up, and here's what I found:
From Wikipedia:
The simplest oxygen concentrator is capable of continuous delivery of oxygen and has internal functions based around two cylinders, filled with a zeolite material, which selectively adsorbs the nitrogen in the air. In each cycle, air flows through one cylinder at a pressure of around 20 lbf/in² (138 kPa, or 1.36 atmospheres) where the nitrogen molecules are captured by the zeolite, while the other cylinder is vented off to ambient atmospheric pressure allowing the captured nitrogen to dissipate.
Typical units have cycles of around 20 seconds, and allow for a continuous supply of oxygen at a flow rate of up to approximately five liters per minute (LPM) at concentrations anywhere from 50 to 95 %. This process is called pressure swing adsorption (PSA).[1] Since 1999, concentrators providing up to 10 LPM have been available for high flow patients, in sizes not much larger or heavier than 5 LPM concentrators.
and Zeolite:
Zeolites are microporous, aluminosilicate minerals commonly used as commercial adsorbents.[1] The term zeolite was originally coined in 1756 by Swedish mineralogist Axel Fredrik Cronstedt, who observed that upon rapidly heating the material stilbite, it produced large amounts of steam from water that had been adsorbed by the material. Based on this, he called the material zeolite, from the Greek ζέω (zeō), meaning "boil" and λίθος (lithos), meaning "stone".[2]
As of January 2008, 175 unique zeolite frameworks have been identified, and over 40 naturally occurring zeolite frameworks are known
So we pump air into a container filled with this funny, probably custom made, rock. The Nitrogen creeps into the rock, which means the remaining air has a higher concentration of oxygen. It does this for 20 seconds and then it switches to the other cylinder, and the first cylinder is vented to the air. The pressure is now lower, so the nitrogen flows back out of the rock.
Zeolites are used for all kinds of things, from kitty litter to gasoline refineries to oxygen supplies for aircraft (here's what they used to use). It is basically a porous rock, but it is not like pumice or other lightweight volcanic rock. I suspect it is more like your run of the mill granite. I mean the pores are sub-microscopic. I don't know what these tiny pores do to the density.
You wouldn't be able to tell it was porous by looking at it, unless you maybe had a scanning electron microscope, and even them I'm not sure you could tell. Only by observing the disappearance of a liquid of gas and then it's reappearance under heat could you be sure of what you had.
I am disappointed. I was really hoping for a micro-cryogenic-fractional-
P.S. The Tampax and condoms were used to waterproof some critical parts of the cars when they had to ford a river.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Dodge Power Wagon
Bonus: My 1952 Chevrolet Pickup makes a brief appearance just after the 40 second mark.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Marc's Broken Leg
Not too much later he gets tackled by the neighbors dog. Same routine, waits a couple of weeks before going to the doctor. Doctor X-rays it. This time the ends of the bone are not aligned, they are slightly offset, but as before, it is starting to knit, so just take it easy and it will be fine. No more accidents befall him and eventually the bone heals and his leg is fine, except he can feel a lump in the bone where the misaligned break was.
Now here's the weird part. You might think that the bone would just stay that way forever, but no. After a couple of years the lump had disappeared. The bone had straightened itself out. I guess that makes sense. Bones are alive and are constantly replacing their structure, so it could do that, but how would it know? Pretty stinking amazing what the body is capable of.
Books & Movies
I saw previews for these movies the other day and they looked pretty intriguing:
- Farewell
- MicMacs
- Winter's Bone
- Coco & Igor