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Thursday, August 15, 2024


A GOOD GIRL'S GUIDE TO MURDER Trailer (2024) Emma Myers
ONE Media

Not our usual fair of blood, guts and mayhem. This is more like an Agatha Christie story, but with teenagers, so we get a fair sampling of teenage angst. Watching this behavior from my advanced age it is slightly annoying, but understandable. I mean, teenagers will be teenagers. Not too long ago I would not have been able to watch this. One dumb teenage action and I would have been through it. Once I adjusted to the fact that teenagers are going to behave like teenagers I was able to wait through those scenes until we got back to the main story which was pretty good. And I have to admit, the actors were convincing in their roles.

Anyway, teenage girl in an idyllic English village becomes obsessed with the deaths five years earlier of two older kids. Well, one of them died, an apparent suicide, the other just disappeared. She starts poking around, asking questions. Operating on rumor and innuendo she starts to figure out what happened. Fortunately for her, all of her suspects are guilt ridden, are heartily relieved to have been found out and happily confess their guilt. Well, mostly. Of course many of the creepiest characters turn out to be harmless, and the most angelic ones turn out to be guilty as sin. It's a pretty good story. Our heroine, Pip, follows a torturous path to get to the truth. She'll find a bit of evidence and someone confesses to something, but it's never the whole thing, but it adds a piece to the puzzle.

6 episodes on Netflix, 45 minutes each. We finished it in two nights.

P. S. En route to solving this mystery, our girl discovers a coded reference to a location - 'brown bear bananas', or some such. Wherever does that mean? Papa pops up with What 3 Words, a geolocation scheme I encountered once before. Thought I put up a post, but I cannot find it Cap'n. Anyway, there is a website that will translate your coordinates to a map or vice versa. "Brown bear bananas" seems to be a bogus code, which is not unexpected in fairytale land.

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