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Friday, August 9, 2024

Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris steamrolls Trump, shatters fundraising records

This video is from last week. I was surprised when I saw this, though perhaps I shouldn't have been. Everything I've read about Kamala tells me that she is an incompetent buffoon. Of course all my regular sources are all right-wing-extremists. This story on Forbes explains how she, or rather the Democrat political machine managed it. My right-wing-extremist sources tell me that Barack Obama is behind it and that seems at least plausible.

The Greatest Concentration of Power In This Country
Richard Nixon Foundation

Nixon is talking old style propaganda. The dirty commies, er, Democrats, have embellished their bullshitting skills so they no longer need to craft one message to appeal to everyone. Now they have a personal message for every group. 

I am unsure about Nixon. On the plus side he got us out of Vietnam. On the negative side he took us off the gold standard. On the plus side he opened trade with China which got us reduced prices on all kinds of manufactured goods. On the minus side he opened trade with China which wiped out our industrial base in the Midwest. Watergate made a big stink, but it was really no more than a tempest in a teapot. It kept the lawyers and reporters busy and provided entertainment for zillions of people. I suspect crimes  similar to those committed in the Watergate affair have been going on since forever. Nixon's only problem was his henchment were incompetent.

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