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Friday, November 29, 2024


Entertaining story about the origin of Thanksgiving. Socialists might not enjoy it.

The Great Thanksgiving Hoax by Richard J. Maybury

The early American colonies were just disasters - half the people died. I dunno, maybe that was par for the course. But reading this story makes me wonder just who were these people who signed up for this adventure to a brave, new world. I suspect malcontents from the lunatic fringe, malcontents with money, ships are expensive. It sounds like a movie trope - band of misfits thrown into a dangerous situation with people getting killed off right, left and center.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I grew up in Massachusetts and was well aware the feel good story of thanksgiving was bullshit. Socialism only works if everyone is into it, usually a religion or cult binding everyone. The free market is great if everyone starts with the same amount of resources but if I get 2 acres and you get 50 that's not so great.
That story came from an Austrian source which was also saying good things about tariffs. Just remember Smoot-Hawley tariffs caused the crash of 1929 and started the Great Depression for the next 10 years.