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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Get the Gringo

Get the Gringo, or how it was going to be named:

A fine film, most of which is set in a Mexican prison: El Pueblito in Tijuana. I had never heard of it until I saw it on Netflix. The Box Office report from IMDB confirms my suspicion that it was never released in the US:

Box Office


 $20,000,000 (estimated)

Opening Weekend:

 RUR 11,951,425 (Russia) (25 March 2012) (217 Screens)


 $7,378,034 (Non-USA) (2 August 2012)
See more »

Could this be backlash from Mel running off at the mouth a while back? Hmmm. We elect actors to important positions, we have actors selling all kinds of products and charities. Could it be that Americans can't tell the difference between truth and fiction? Which groups of people get more press coverage: professional athletes, politicians or actors? Just because someone is a jerk in real life does not mean he's not a good actor. I suppose he pissed some people off. That's what they get for listening to the news.

See the way Mel is holding the gun in the picture above? Mel holds the gun sideways like that in a couple of scenes in the movie as well. I've heard gun people decry this as foolishness, it's only done to look cool. Nobody who is serious about shooting would hold a gun like this. It seems to me that it would work just as well as holding it upright, you might need to practice a bit to be able to hit anything, but really there is no reason it couldn't work. I suppose I'll have to try it sometime, just to see.


Tam said...

"Nobody who is serious about shooting would hold a gun like this."

...and there's a reason for that. ;)

Believe me, if it conferred any advantage at all, nobody at any USPSA match would hold their heaters any other way. Those people would hang fuzzy dice off their pistols if you could prove it helped their scores.

Chuck Pergiel said...

Your comment prompted me to think about this, and I realized there is a very good reason for holding the gun upright. If you hold it horizontally like Mel you are blocking your field of view. Since we live in a horizontal world that is a bad thing. If we spent all our time shooting spiders off the walls of skyscrapers maybe the horizontal hold would be better.

Anonymous said...

Let us be clear about one thing- IF IT FITS- IT SITS- as in fitting the visual display, and let's face it, it captures attention- WHICH- let us also be clear, is what movie-making is all about. Yes, there IS a reason he holds his gun this was.; )

Anonymous said...

you know, it SUCKS to trip over one's fingers when tyoing, and mess up !
I MEANT: "...,he holds his gun this WAY."...