Drove 30 miles down Interstate-10 to Benson, Arizona, this morning for breakfast.
Dead scorpion on the garage floor. Too much carburetor cleaner. |
Nash Metropolitan outside Reb's Cafe. Truly Nolen is a pest control company. Iaman tells me that Truly has restored hundreds of cars and has them on display all over. |
Steam Engine outside Reb's Cafe. At first I thought it was a tractor, but closer inspection reveals that there is no connection between the engine and the wheels. There are gears, jackshafts, chains and pulleys for fat cables. There is also a big cam that turns about the same speed as the engine. It looks to be for a trip hammer, but no hammer in evidence. |
Reb's Cafe where we ate. Good food, good service, low prices. Stack of funny books on every table. |
Stopped at the ACE Hardware Store where I saw this $100 ax. I can't imagine spending that much on an ax, but I then don't use one all day long, or even every day. Actually, I probably haven't picked up my ax in years. |
Nothing says bulldozer like giant wrenches. |
Psycho gnomes for your magic mushroom garden. |
They take water seriously around here. That's a water meter attached to the fire hydrant. The hose is connected to a pipe stand for filling water trucks, for construction purposes I imagine. I don't think the fire department has to pay for the water they use. |
Direct TV transmission station. Four (count 'em, four, great big, fancy satellite antennas. |
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