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Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Flower of Evil - Netflix Series


Yet another Korean show about cops and serial killers. The story is complicated so it's a bit of a puzzle trying to figure out who the killer is, which is good. I think that's why we like these kinds of shows, we like solving puzzles. But I've got to mark them down for their editing. There is more than one story and more than one time period and the way the jump around is sometimes a bit confusing. It's also semi-long (16 episodes) so you can have a scene and if you don't remember everything that has happened, you may confuse our hero being in the hospital for being hit by a car with the time he was stabbed with a knife or the time he drowned. Or the time the other guy who sort of looks like him was in the hospital. The way things are going he is liable to get shot before the end (we're halfway through).

Recently it seems like they are going for these emotional scenes where one character or another is despondent and they just go on forever. They're putting me to sleep. But my wife thinks this show is great, and that's the important part.

Several of the characters in this show and in the book Starfish had traumatic upbringings. A murder may only directly affect a couple of people, but there is a ripple effect that spreads out and affects everyone in the emotional vicinity. The characters have learned to cope with the world, some better than others, but you never know when the crazy is going to appear.

Our leading lady seems to have escaped all that. She is apparently happy and well adjusted, but she falls for this emotional distant guy who has no interest in her. No explanation for this, though he is handsome enough and intelligent. But she persists, eventually wins him over and they get married. Kind of odd, but women have a biological clock and maybe he was the smartest guy around and she wanted a smart guy for a husband.

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