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Saturday, October 22, 2022

In a political crisis, everyone is a potential enemy

I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts (Merv Griffin) (1950)

Lovely bunch of coconuts from The Tories were destined for civil war by John Oxley

Even in the most tense, fractious relationship there can be enormous capacity for calm: for letting things go, for tolerating each infraction for the greater good, for simply getting on with things. Eventually, though, the dam breaks into a cathartic spasm of anger and it all unravels. Buried resentments unearth themselves and heighten every complaint. Suddenly, everything is a battle, from the thing they did that one time to why they must stir their tea so BLOODY LOUDLY.

I've added Unherd to Feedly so I get several articles a day and many of them are about politics in the UK. I don't understand most of it. Prime Minister Liz Truss is no longer Prime Minister but I can't tell you why. UK politics seems to be snarled like a Gordian knot. You can only understand it if you have been well immersed in it for a good long while.

One of the big problems in the UK, or so I am led to believe is huge increase in the energy prices, notably gasoline and electricity. I don't understand this. I know energy prices have rising rapidly all over Europe, but the UK has their whole North Sea oil field which, as far as I know, is still delivering boatloads of oil. You would think with all that oil coming in the price of gasoline would not be skyrocketing. Obviously I'm missing something.

The problem with energy prices is being caused the USA's hybrid / proxy war against Russia. Apparently all of Western Europe are our vassals, so when Joe Biden says 'freeze and starve' they all huddle down and tell everyone they're only going to die a little bit. I'm sorry, even a little bit dead is dead. I hope I'm wrong.

1 comment:

xoxoxoBruce said...

All that North Sea oil come into Britain but that doesn't mean it stays there. Same as the US, the oil goes to the highest bidder on the world market.
Why are you trying to convince everyone that the Ukraine is our war with Russia? The US and other NATO countries had a deal with the Ukraine to give up their Nukes in return for NATO protection. Do you propose to just walk away, renege on the deal, leave them swinging in the wind. Sounds like a Trump business deal.