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Friday, June 16, 2023

Plan to Save America

I keep hearing about the evils of the American government, but I haven't heard of a plan to fix it, so I thought I would make a stab at writing my own. Here is my first pass:

We need to replace all of our Congressmen and Senators, or at least all of those who are members of the Uniparty, with people who are committed to a set of principles and will not be tempted by those who seek to influence them with promises of gold.

The first thing we would need would be a set of principles to guide us. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights would make a good start, but we are going to need something more, something about not starting a new zillion dollar war every year, and a prohibition against getting rich by catering to lobbyists. Crafting such a document is going to take a fair bit of work. However, I am sure there are numerous people who would love to write such a document. Shoot, there are probably numerous proposals already in existence.

The next step would be to locate candidates and districts where we want to replace the existing representatives and have a chance of winning. Then we would need a campaign to get them elected. Now this is going to be the tricky part. We do not want to appear to threaten the Uniparty in any way. Our campaign should be just as mealy mouthed as the slimiest Democrat. Our candidate should appear to be identical with the existing representative, they should just be slightly more cheerful, a little more outgoing, with a brighter smile and nicer clothes. What we promise on the campaign trail is of no consequence, everybody knows politicians lie and after the election it doesn't matter.

But the course of stealthy maneuvering doesn't end with the election. If our candidate is recognized as a gadfly, the uniparty will see to it that they do not get reelected. So we need to keep a low profile until we have enough members in Congress that we can actually challenge the Mafia Dons who are running the show.

All this will take time, money and dedication. It might take 20 years, it might take 50, and it will take an enormous amount of money.

Then there is the problem of being stealthy. People generally, and people in politics particularly, like to talk. It probably would not be feasible to keep this campaign secret. It would be much like a resistance operation being operated under a dictatorship. Resistance operations generally have a poor track record in overthrowing the existing regime. For this campaign to succeed it is going to need a huge amount of money, probably billions of dollars and a tight leadership cadre that can keep their mouths shut.

1 comment:

xoxoxoBruce said...

I'll tip my hat to the new Constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again

Term limits.
Outlaw lobbyists
Outlaw insider trading by the elected and their families.
Public funded campaigns but that's dangerous because I can say I'm running gimme money.
The tea party had some success but elected some real wackos.