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Saturday, August 17, 2024

Miss Sherlock - Max series

MISS SHERLOCK Official Trailer (HD) Japanese HBO Series
JoBlo Streaming & TV

An entertaining version of Holmes & Watson done with Japanese women in the title roles. Sherlock is a nickname she picked up somewhere along the way, and Watson is Wata-San. Complicated plots that they rush through in 45 minutes. It's impressive how much they can cram into one of these shows. Numerous characters, and most of the characters are characters, if you know what I mean. Not quite sure how to define 'character' as in 'Joe is quite a character'. That can mean almost anything. Now that I think about it, I think it means there is something unusual about this person, or maybe the person is worth noting, either because the unusual thing is either very unusual or impressive.

Anyway, lots of characterly characters, complicated plots and obscure scientific details. Sherlock also suspects there is someone behind all these crimes she is investigating although we haven't seen any evidence of such a master mind, but we've only seen two episodes so far. But you know what I'm thinking? Moriarty, that's what I'm thinking. He's going to show up pretty soon and he will be a pain in Sherlock's side forever more. Given we've got girls in the title roles, I suspect Moriarty will be a girl also.

1 comment:

edutcher said...

A pain until he goes over Reichenbach Falls.