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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Chinese Mustang

Taiwan Makes American Trucks Great Again! Tour of Sheet Metal and Replacement Parts Factories
Classic Truck Performance

Funny how we don't get any videos from big manufacturers, or at least we don't get any that have any real content. From the big guys all we get is self-serving pablum, but maybe that's all their intended audience wants. No one really wants to know how the sausage is made, do they? Well sausage makers do and evidently there are a heck of a lot of sausage makers out there.

According to Google, there are less than a million machinists and mechanics in the USA, but that's only the guys who are so employed. There's a zillion others tinkering in their workshops and garages, and a bunch who work on machinery. I'm guessing there are maybe 20 million people who are mechanically competent. There must be, someone is buying all this sheet metal.

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