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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Ruger P85

Boring, Durable, Unsexy Bricks: The Remarkably Successful Ruger P85
Forgotten Weapons

I'm always interested in the business side of any business. How do they manage to survive? Well, 700,000 pistols, that'll pay a couple of bills. Call it a million pistols over a ten year run, just to make the math easy. That's a 100,000 pistols a year. If you make $10 profit off of each one that might be a pretty good return. Semi-auto pistols go for something like $500 to $1,000 dollars. Call it a $1,000, to make it easy. Figure half of that goes to the retailer, shipping, everything after it goes out the door. So that leaves $490 per pistol to pay for the rent on the building, depreciation on the machinery, wages, benefits, taxes and all the costs associated with running a business, like accountants and lawyers.

So if everything goes smoothly, you could be raking in the dough, but any kind of hiccup and the situation could easily turn sour. People go into business every day. Some of them will succeed, but some of them will fail.You gotta have some faith when you take a leap into the unknown.

1 comment:

A&L said...

i hold the ctrl key and scroll the mouse wheel for bigger text