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Saturday, September 21, 2024


In Black Sails, season 1, episode 2, pirate Captain Flint pays a visit to Richard Guthrie, the pirate's fence and face to the legitimate business world. Royal Navy Captain Hume shows up unannounced and we have this bit of dialog:

Servant: Captain Hume of His Majesty's Ship the Scarborough.

Richard: Captain Hume. You've caught me at business. I must ask you to return another day.

Hume: My apologies, Mr. Guthrie. May I ask what sort of business? 

Richard: I'm sorry?

Hume: I asked what sort of business you're conducting with these men.

Richard: Sugar merchants from the colonies with business I'd just as soon conclude without interruption. So please, if you'll excuse us.

Hume: Tell me something, Mr. Guthrie. Do you have gossip here?

Richard: Gossip?

Hume: I've often wondered if it can survive in so remote a location. You see, gossip is what holds civilization together. It reinforces shame. And without shame, well, the world is a very dangerous place.

Don't think I've ever heard gossip described in a positive light. People do thrive on it, some more than others. If you are running a political campaign you need to take it into account. Probably why I'm not out on the campaign trail. I avoid gossip so I expect most people find me anti-social, and they're right.

Oh yeah, the scene? It turns into a melee when Hume attempts to arrest Richard.

P. S. I started looking for this scene on Netflix, but then I wondered if maybe a transcript was available and there is. Shoot, there are mutiple websites that have transcripts for shows. I'll be durned.

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